Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment: Summer heat is relieved by the monsoon season. As a result, various diseases and infections are common during this time of year, including influenza, coughs, colds, malaria, typhoid, dengue, and pneumonia. This year the monsoon presents a more significant challenge than usual, with the entire world already dealing with the effects of a pandemic.
With the change in the weather and increase in microorganisms at this time of the year, all research agrees that our bodies’ immune system becomes weak. Infections caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi are more likely to occur. We can quickly improve our immunity and prepare our bodies to fight common monsoon ailments by following simple precautions and making simple lifestyle changes. Moreover, check this article by Asthma Bhawan to discuss Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment.
Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment- Asthma Bhawan
This climatic modification causes various types of monsoon infections. Some of the common illnesses along with the rainy season health care tips are as follows:
What are the health issues related to the monsoon season?
Common Cold and Cough:
- Runny noses, sneezing, headaches, and sore throats are common symptoms. Wash your hands frequently, and keep your body warm to control these infections. Also, you can boost your immune system with golden milk (Haldi), concoctions, and warm food.
Stomach Infections Including Amoebiasis:
- Symptoms include stomach aches, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, headaches, fevers, appetite loss, and diarrhea.
- You can take several preventative measures, including avoiding eating out, drinking only clean water, and washing your hands before eating.
- Taking plenty of fluids is the best treatment for this condition. To reduce nausea and vomiting, Ginger can also reduce diarrhea. NuxVom and Ipecacuanha are some of the medicines used in homeopathy to treat pain and symptoms.
What are the diseases transmitted by mosquitoes?
A large amount of water accumulates during the monsoon, resulting in mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. Muscle pain, weakness, and fever are the most common symptoms.
What are the Mosquito-borne disease prevention tips?
A high fever, chills, body aches, and fatigue are common symptoms of malaria, dengue, and chikungunya. If you are suffering from these signs, visit How to Manage Asthma during Monsoon. So, as the monsoon season begins, take these precautions:
Mosquito breeding prevention:
- Keep your house dry by not allowing water to collect anywhere in or around it.
- It is necessary to cover, empty, and clean domestic water storage containers once a week.
- Keep your bathrooms clean and maintain hygiene.
Taking personal precautions against mosquito bites:
- Protect your household with personal protection measures, such as repellents, insecticide-treated nets, etc. Because mosquitoes bite during the day, these precautions must be taken both inside and outside the home;
- It is possible to reduce mosquito contact with humans by sleeping under an insecticide-treated net.
What are the Diseases caused by water?
According to WHO, approximately 4.8 lac diarrhoeal deaths occur annually due to contaminated drinking water. Due to their developing immune systems, children are the easiest victims.
The typhoid virus:
Salmonella Typhi causes typhoid fever, which can be life-threatening. Moreover, according to reports, 11–20 million people get sick from typhoid worldwide each year, and between 1.2 and 1.6 lac, people die from it. These symptoms include:
- Prolonged fever
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Nausea
- Abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
A test can help detect typhoid fever at Asthma Bhawan Doctors for Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment
- The bacterium Vibrio cholera causes cholera when consumed in meals and water.
- The disease is known as diarrhea, and if this is left untreated can be fatal within hours.
- Cholera is reported by 1.3 to 4.0 million people worldwide each year, according to the WHO.
- Dehydration and watery loose motions are common symptoms of infection.
- Bacteria in the genus Leptospira cause leptospirosis, which can affect humans and animals.
- Animals with infected urine spread the bacteria, which can survive for weeks to months in water or soil.
- A high fever, headache, colds, and other symptoms are caused by it.
- Gastroenteritis, jaundice, and hepatitis are other diseases commonly associated with contaminated water.
What is the Food and water-borne disease prevention tips?
- Water should be clean and safe to drink
- Ensure food handlers follow proper sanitation and hygiene practices
- Consistently wash your hands
- Before eating fruits and vegetables, always boil the water and thoroughly wash them.
- Make sure your locality has covered open drains and potholes
- Animal urine might contaminate water, so do not swim in it
- Animals that may be infected should be avoid.
- Vaccinate your children if they haven’t already.
What is the Air borne diseases?
During the monsoon, tiny pathogens are transmit through the air, resulting in flu, colds, coughs, and sore throats. Due to a weak or developing immune system, older people and children are more prone to infections during this season. Also you can Visit Emergency care and get more information Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment
Common cold:
- It is possible to contract common cold and flu-like viruses during the monsoon season due to sudden fluctuations in temperature. Based on symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish between the common cold and flu.
- Symptoms of influenza are more severe than those of a cold, and flu symptoms are much more intense.
This virus infects the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs and is commonly called the seasonal “flu.” The following symptoms which usually comes on suddenly:
- Feeling feverish or chills
- A coughing fit
- Throat infection
- Nose congestion or runny nose
- Aching muscles or body parts
- Having headaches
- Tiredness
- Diarrhea and vomiting.
Furthermore, get to the bottom of what’s causing your high temperature by booking an Influenza profile. Visit Types of Allergies and How to Reduce Allergy Symptoms and get more information about Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment
What are the Airborne Disease Prevention Tips?
- When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose
- Avoid exposing your children to infected people
- After children return home from outdoor play, wash their hands and feet thoroughly
- Every few hours drink warm water
- Make sure your home is always well ventilate
- Vaccinate yourself every year against the flu.
Keeping informed and protecting yourself and your family against monsoon diseases is essential since prevention is better than cure. Avoid over-the-counter medications and avoid self-diagnosis. Also, consult your doctor at Asthma Bhawan. Hence, Book an appointment today or call us Emergency Line (+91) 9352934531 to know more about Types of Monsoon Diseases- Causes | Prevention | Treatment