World Malaria Day 2023 | Theme, Symptoms, Celebration, Importance and Timeline
World Malaria Day: Every year on April 25th, International Malaria Day is observed. This yearly event is a worldwide effort to promote malaria awareness and funds for malaria treatment and prevention. The purpose of the day is to highlight the importance of better political engagement in malaria control and prevention.
“Ready to Combat Malaria” is the theme for 2023. The overall purpose of World Malaria Day is to raise awareness of the disease as well as funding for charitable organizations trying to eradicate it. The day also remembers the incredible accomplishments made in the fight against malaria.
The world health organization is putting malaria prevention front and center in this event, intending to lower the large global death toll of 400,000 people from malaria each year. Efforts to raise awareness about malaria prevention have reduced the death toll, particularly through the use of insecticide and mosquito nets, as mosquitos are the most common carriers and spreaders of the disease.
What is Malaria
Malaria is an acute febrile illness caused by Plasmodium parasites, which are transmitted to humans via the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitos. It is both preventable and treatable.
Malaria is still frequent in tropical and subtropical nations, despite its rarity in temperate settings. Malaria infects over 290 million people each year, and more than 400,000 people die as a result of the disease.
Symptoms of Malaria | Asthma Bhawan
Symptoms of malaria include:

Symptoms of Malaria Disease
- Fever and flu-like illness
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Feeling of discomfort
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Muscle or joint pain
World Malaria Day 2023 Celebration
This day is observed by malaria-affected populations, governments, and private groups all around the world to promote awareness about malaria, preventative measures, and treatment options. In some countries, anti-malarial bed nets are displayed and distributed to the public. In addition, anti-malarial drugs are supplied to people who live in unclean or malaria-infected areas.
This year’s World Malaria Day will be held in Paris. Officials in France intend to stage a series of events throughout Paris to raise awareness about the necessity of doing one’s part to prevent malaria. It is predicted that 313 million people in francophone countries are at risk of contracting this curable disease.
World Malaria Day Timeline
- 1500s (New World)- Malaria was introduced to the Americas by Spanish invaders.
- 1600s (Fever Tree)- Cinchona tree bark was used to treat malaria by colonizers and missionaries.
- 1821 (Quinine)- French researchers isolated quinine from cinchona bark and discovered it to be effective against malarial fevers.
- 1902 (Mosquito)- Ronald Ross, a British doctor, demonstrated that malaria is transmitted by mosquitos. He was awarded the Nobel prize.
- 1940-1970s (Eradication)- Malaria was largely eradicated in the West as a result of DDT, and elimination followed in many nations throughout the world.
- May 2017 (World Malaria Day Established)- The day promotes malaria education and awareness on a global basis.
Why World Malaria Day Is Important?
1. Malaria killed 435,000 people in 2017: While efforts are being made to reduce the number of new cases of malaria, the illness continues to kill hundreds of thousands of people each year. Sub-Saharan Africa is the hardest-hit region.
2. A plan to reduce mortality rates by 90% over the next decade: To achieve that goal, the World Health Organization uses World Malaria Day to emphasize the importance of ongoing investment and political commitment to malaria prevention.
3. Malaria is a preventable and treatable disease: World Malaria Day provides an opportunity for malaria prevention organizations to tell their experiences about how they are defeating the illness.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the theme for World Malaria Day 2023?
Ans. The theme for World Malaria Day 2023 is “Ready to Combat Malaria”.
Q. When is World Malaria Day celebrated?
Ans. Every year on April 25th, International Malaria Day is celebrated.
Q. Why is World Malaria Day celebrated?
Ans. World Malaria Day is held to increase awareness of malaria, and its prevention and control.
Q. Who organizes World Malaria Day?
Ans. The World Health Organization (WHO) organizes World Malaria Day in collaboration with other partners.
Q. What are the objectives of World Malaria Day?
Ans. The goals of World Malaria Day are to increase awareness about malaria, encourage malaria-fighting partnerships, and push for political commitment to malaria control and elimination.