The COVID XE variant is spreading all over the world. Nobody can be said about how severe this variant is and how much time it will take for the corona to finish. Parents are responsible for the health of young children. So now, the question is How Can You Protect Your Children from COVID-19 Variants? According…

Symptoms and Precautions of Covid-19 XE Variant in Children: The threat of the Coronavirus pandemic is not over yet. However, the fourth wave of Corona has already hit many countries in Europe and Asia. Now the spark of COVID-19 has reached India too. The number of new cases has triggered rising again in the country….

Even after fighting through waves of COVID-19, we are being alert that a reasonable next Covid wave, if not tackle virtually, will put children at a more elevate COVID virus risk than adults. Although they are susceptible to the disease, the result is understood to benign with nearly no hospitalization or negative signs. As adults,…