International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21st to raise awareness about the global benefits of Yoga and meditation. Yoga is a universally accepted practice that benefits individuals of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds by providing a means of achieving spiritual, mental, and bodily renewal. On this auspicious day, communities come together to participate in yoga sessions, meditation practices, and mindfulness activities, fostering a sense of harmony and interconnectedness. A poignant reminder of yoga’s ageless wisdom and its transforming power to nurture health, promote peace, and cultivate a deeper awareness of oneself and others is provided by International Yoga Day.

Asthma Bhawan Hospital celebrates International Yoga Day with a profound commitment to harnessing the therapeutic benefits of yoga in the management of respiratory conditions, particularly asthma. Asthma Bhawan Hospital is a leading respiratory care facility that understands the transforming power of yoga to improve lung function, lower inflammation, and ease asthma symptoms. On this special occasion, the hospital organizes a series of Yoga sessions, Pranayama workshops, and educational seminars aimed at empowering individuals with Asthma to embrace holistic approaches to their health and well-being.

Understanding Asthma 

A chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, asthma is typified by recurring episodes of coughing, chest tightness, wheezing, and dyspnea. A chronic inflammatory disease of the airways, asthma is typified by recurring episodes of coughing, chest tightness, wheezing, and breathing difficulty. While medications like inhalers and oral drugs are vital in controlling symptoms and preventing exacerbations, integrating holistic practices such as Yoga into Asthma management can offer additional support.

Yoga and Asthma Management

Yoga can greatly help people with asthma by addressing both the physical and psychological elements of the ailment. It places an emphasis on controlled breathing methods (pranayama), mild physical postures (asanas), and meditation.

  • Pranayama: Breathing exercises are essential to yoga practice and are especially helpful for those who have asthma. Methods such as “Bhramari” (humming bee breath) and “Anulom Vilom” (alternate nostril breathing) enhance respiratory efficiency, enhance lung function, and lessen the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks.
  • Asanas: Those who suffer from asthma can benefit from specific yoga poses that improve lung capacity, strengthen respiratory muscles, and encourage improved posture. Asthma symptoms can be reduced and the chest opened up with the use of gentle asanas like “Setu Bandhasana” (bridge pose), “Bhujangasana” (cobra posture), and “Sukhasana” (easy pose).
  • Meditation and Relaxation: Stress and anxiety are common triggers for Asthma exacerbations. Through mindfulness exercises, meditation, and guided imagery, yoga promotes relaxation and reduces stress. Asthmatics can better control their symptoms and lower their chance of flare-ups by practicing mental calmness.
  • Mind-Body Connection: By strengthening the bond between the mind and body, yoga enables practitioners to pay attention to their bodie’s cues and act in a mindful manner. By consistent practice, people can increase their resilience, acceptance, and self-awareness, which will help them deal with the difficulties of having asthma in a calm and collected manner.

The Theme For International Yoga Day 2024

The Theme for International Yoga Day 2024 is “Yoga For Women Empowerment.” The celebration of Yoga Day 2024 aims to raise awareness of yoga’s holistic benefits and inspire people to practice it on a regular basis for better health.

The History of International Yoga Day

People all throughout the world are prepared to get out their yoga mats and work out on International Yoga Day in 2024. They may, however, need to be aware that yoga has been practiced for centuries. Yoga is regarded as an ancient discipline that began in India 5,000 years ago. It was created to achieve enlightenment by bridging the gap between the intellect, body, and soul. The technique gained popularity in the West as a form of exercise and relaxation, with claims to improve overall health, ease chronic pain, and heal physical injuries.

During his speech at the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed the idea of International Yoga Day on September 27, 2014. June 21 has been designated as International Yoga Day by a resolution passed by India’s ambassador, Asoke Kumar Mukerji. Since June 21 is the Summer Solstice, when there is the greatest sun out of all the other days of the year, it was chosen as a day to celebrate yoga. It had the greatest number of co-sponsors of any UN resolution designating June 21 as International Yoga Day—177 countries.

For the inaugural International Yoga Day, held in New Delhi on June 21, 2015, nearly 36,000 people—among them Prime Minister Narendra Modi and numerous other prominent political figures from throughout the globe—performed 21 asanas for 35 minutes. Since then, this day has been celebrated around the Globe.

The Significance of International Yoga Day 

International Yoga Day is important because it brings individuals from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and nations together to celebrate and practice Yoga. It provides an opportunity for individuals and groups to learn about the advantages of yoga for both physical and mental well-being, as well as its influence on both society and individual well-being. Yoga promotes physical fitness, encourages mindfulness, reduces stress, and cultivates a sense of harmony and inner peace.

Around the world, a variety of celebrations and events are planned to honor this anniversary on Yoga Celebration Day. In parks, public areas, schools, and yoga studios, yoga lovers, practitioners, and specialists provide yoga classes, hold workshops, and give yoga demonstrations. These gatherings inspire individuals of all ages and skill levels to explore yoga and reap its life-changing benefits.

International Yoga Day highlights the significance of Yoga as a holistic practice for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It makes it possible for people to get together and share in the life-changing benefits of yoga. Furthermore, the worldwide celebration of this day advances the acceptance, acknowledgment, and promotion of yoga as an invaluable instrument for societal and individual well-being.

Yoga Practices Guidelines to Follow on International Yoga Day

Let’s emphasis on the general principles and guidelines for yoga practice on this 10th International Yoga Day:

  • Eat Nothing Before Yoga

Practice Yoga on an empty stomach. If you have eaten, wait three hours or longer before spreading your mat. Moreover, avoid caffeine-containing drinks like energy drinks, tea, and coffee both before and during yoga. You can eat an hour after Yoga.

  • Start Small and Slow

If you’re a beginner, begin with easier yoga positions and work your way up to more difficult ones. When you have a firm grasp on the basic yoga poses, practice the more complex ones.

  • Relaxation is Must

Before beginning Yoga, give yourself mind and body at least 10 minutes to relax. Yoga requires you to focus on meditation, breathwork, and postures. Before the practice, your body must be at ease and your mind must be clear. 

  • Wear Comfortable Clothes

Wear loose or slightly baggy clothing that fits you comfortably. Light-colored ones would be ideal. 

  • Do Not Practice on the Ground

Use a thick sheet or a yoga mat to do yoga. Do not do yoga on hard surfaces like grass. Use a yoga mat or sheet for your poses. 

  • Timing is Important Too

Practicing Yoga in the mornings is preferable. Yoga in the mornings gives you energy and refreshment for the day. Our muscles are similarly tense in the morning, but yoga eases this tension and increases the range of motion.

  • Stay Regular

You can improve your general health by doing yoga once a day. Even for 5 minutes, it assists promotes wellness, improves immunity, reduces stress, and more. You have three options for practicing yoga: at home, online, or in a community class.


What is International Yoga Day?

International Yoga Day is celebrated annually on June 21st to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga and promote its practice worldwide. In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly formally declared it.

What is the Theme for  International Yoga Day 2024?

The Theme for International Yoga Day 2024 is “Yoga For Women Empowerment.”

Why is International Yoga Day celebrated on June 21st?

In the Northern Hemisphere, June 21st is the summer solstice and the longest day of the year. Since it is thought to be the day that the first yogi, Lord Shiva, taught his students the principles of yoga, it is significant in the philosophy of yoga.

How can I participate in International Yoga Day events?

You can participate in International Yoga Day events organized by local yoga studios, community centers, schools, or governmental organizations. Multiple events provide public yoga classes, workshops, and demonstrations at no cost or at a reduced cost. You can also take part in virtual events and online yoga courses.

What are the benefits of practicing Yoga?

Yoga offers numerous mental, physical, and emotional benefits. It strengthens respiratory function, encourages relaxation, builds mindfulness and self-awareness, and improves flexibility, strength, and balance. It also lessens stress, anxiety, and despair.

Can I practice Yoga if I have health issues or physical limitations?

Yes, Yoga can be adapted to suit individual needs and abilities. To guarantee your safety during practice and to receive adaptations, it is imperative that you disclose to your yoga instructor any health concerns or physical restrictions you may have.

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