photodune-3832683-female-assistant-with-dentist-working-in-the-background-sPresent activities of IACS
These can be summarized in five aspects given below.

“Smoking not only cause disease but also opens the gates of other major addictions such as Smack, Sulfa, Ganja and Other Habit Forming Substances.”

    1. Treatment: Advanced care of respiratory patients is available in the Asthma Bhawan at affordable cost. Both indoor and outdoor facilities are available. Following facilities are available in the Asthma Bhawan:
      1. Out patients are examined from 8 am to 9 pm except on Sunday. On Sunday it is open from 8 am to 1pm.
      2. In patients: good spacious wards and intensive care unit function efficiently.

Following facilities are available
Apart from basic tests of hematology, biochemistry and radiology Asthma Bhawan is equipped with following specialized testing facilities:

      • Spirometry: Test to measure obstruction in airways. Useful in Asthma, smoker’s lung disease COPD and ILD
      • Diffusion testing: It measure diffusion of gases across alveolo-capillary membrane. Useful in assessment of ILD.
      • Body Plethysmogram: It measure airway resistance. Sensitive measure of severity of asthma.
      • Sleep testing: Many people snore loudly and there is cessation of respiration for few seconds called apnea. Apnea episodes can lead to reduced oxygen in the body to cause a disease known as obstructive sleep apnea. It is usually a disease in obese patients. Symptoms include irritability, forgetfulness, morning headache and day time sleepiness. Untreated disease lead to occurrence of hypertension, stroke, heart attack and sudden death. Polysomnogram or sleep test records breathing, heart rate, oxygen saturation, EEG and leg movement during sleep to diagnose OSA. People with above symptoms should get themselves tested.
      • Bronchoscopy: It is endoscopy of airways. It is useful in diagnosis of lung cancer or foreign body lungs.
      • Pleurocentesis: when fluid is filled in the pleura it should be aspirated. Chemical analysis reveal causal factor of the disease. TB is most common cause of the disease.
      • Histamine Challenge test: When patient of asthma is normal or in remission then histamine challenge test make diagnosis of asthma. Increasing dose of histamine is administered by nebulizer which causes contraction of airways in patients of asthma while in normal person airways does not contract.
      • Hypoxia Challenge test: Patients of respiratory diseases when go to high altitude then they suffer from reduced level of oxygen in the body. This test can diagnose vulnerable people before hand so that trip to places of high altitude can be avoided or proper precautions can be kept.
      • Skin prick testing (SPT): when allergic patient is exposed to an allergen, it can trigger the disease. SPT can make diagnosis of allergic trigger factors. Small amount of allergen is instilled in the skin and the site is observed after 10-15 minutes. If there is swelling and redness at that site it confirms the causal allergen. Patient should not be on many medicines including antiallergic medicine, antidepressant etc.
      • Drug allergy testing: Small amount of drug is injected in the skin and if weal and flare are formed allergy to that drug is suspected. It is very accurate for drugs such as penicillin but for other drugs it gives only a crude idea.
      • IgE based blood allergy testing: Though less accurate than SPT but in some conditions such as small children, in presence of skin diseases and patients on anti histamine treatment these provide an alternative.
      • Burchard Pollen counter: This equipment catches environmental pollens and measures pollen load and types of pollen. It is a useful information of susceptible
      • Steps for Prevention: Asthma Bhawan yoga center is functioning for many years. People living in nearby areas attend it. Regular practice of yoga prevents many diseases.
    1. Research
      Though our many cities have good quality doctors, well equipped hospitals but we do not have standarised research data to suggest solution of problems of respiratory diseases. Since research is unrewarding therefore good doctors are not attracted to it. Asthma Bhawan has a strong research team and undertaken a number of good quality projects. Some of these are as follows:

      • Peak nasal flow values in different postures
      • Correlation of Pollen counts and number of hospital visits of asthmatic or allergic rhinitis patients.
      • Tobacco abstinence after specialized counseling
      • National coordination center: Global asthma network
      • National coordination center: ILD India Registry
      • Embark study of bronchiactasis
    2. Education
      Education of students: Monthly meetings of students of one school are organized to give them moral education and to keep them away from smoking and alcohol. Moral education is imparted on principles of Mahatma Gandhi “Satvikta ek Pahal”

      • Patient education: A medicine relieve agony of a patient for short period but educating him about his disease provide a life long relief in that aspect of the disease. If a housewife learns the art of cleaning her house without getting asthma triggered it protect aggravation of disease. Periodic camps are organized to educate allergic patients and to teach them allergy style of doing work.
      • Paramedic education: Spirometry training, education of medical store owners and of nursing staff is provided time to time. It is quite useful program.
      • Education of doctors: CMEs are organized at Asthma Bhawan to train doctors in various aspects of respiratory diseases.
    3. Assistance
      Patients of respiratory diseases are usually poor. Many patients stop treatment due unaffordable costs. Asthma Bhawan is helping such patients in following ways:

      • Cost of medicines at Asthma Bhawan medical store is 20% less than the print price.
      • BPL patients are treated free of cost
      • Many medicine are purchased from the government’s Mukhamantri free medicine scheme. These medicines are provided to patients free of cost.
      • Cost of investigations is quite low. Bed charges, ICU charges and charges of investigations are almost half of any comparable hospital.
      • Smoking burns lungs in a smoker to cause severe COPD. Some of these patients fail to get adequate oxygen in the body. In such patients bipap a type of non invasive ventilator is life saving but it’s cost is quite high. Asthma Bhawan with help of many donors provide these equipments at almost 25% of the price.
    4. Anti-Tobacco activities
      Smoking is a major factor of causing disease. It leads to crippling lung disease chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), aggravates asthma and causes lung cancer. Tobacco is incriminated in 25 types of serious lung diseases. In addition it is the first step towards addiction. Most drug addicts starts with tobacco and in search of still better pleasure they use alcohol, Sulpha, Ganja etc. Smoking not only causes disease but also opens gates of addiction and therefore “No-Tobacco Advice” should be delivered to students before initiation of tobacco. IACS is fighting these addictions in following ways:

      1. Stickers:Developing and distributing stickers
      2. Pamplets: Good pamphlets have been developed which are distributed in the public.
      3. Booklets
      4. Book
      5. Children games: education through play has been delivered through some of games developed to create hate against tobacco. Tobacco snake and ladder game became quite popular in this regard.
      6. Hordings: Placed at strategic places these were quite popular in generating awareness. At various strategic sites these were displayed.
      7. School camps: It is very easy not to start than to quit tobacco. Based on this theme school students were educated about ill effects of tobacco through projection of slides. This program motivates them never to start tobacco
      8. Slide program in offices: It was organized to generate awareness among smokers and non-smokers about ill effects of smoking and tobacco. Ill effects of passive smoking was quite convincing to non-smokers. After attending this program non- smokers were motivated and they started protesting smoking in their presence. “Don’t allow any one to poison your breath” is the theme of this program.
      9. Spirometry camps: Smokers are invited to attend a free spirometry camp organized at public place or an office. Spirometry values are used to motivate smokers to quit smoking.
      10. Tobacco ill effect Exhibition: Displayed at various places. Has motivating effects on nonsmokers.
      11. Publication of Asthma sanjeevani: This magazine was published on quarterly basis and it was an important tool of education of asthmatic patient and people using tobacco.
      12. Felicitation of those who became winner in quitting: on various occasions tobacco users who got success in quitting are felicited. When such victims shared their experiences other smokers were motivated.
      13. Programs on special occasions: IACS regularly celebrates world no-tobacco program and international day against drug trafficking. These programs are usually celebrated in jails, offices or schools.
      14. Counseling: It is back bone of the de-addiction program. Counseling is done in Asthma Bhawan by highly skilled doctors. It is delivered in 3 ways; individual counseling, group counseling and family counseling. Strategies and skills are developed to address problems of four groups based on use of tobacco and presence or absence of a disease.
      1. Tobacco users
        1. Healthy tobacco users: Family specially children can play crucial role.
        2. Sick tobacco users: Doctors are the best persons to motivate them
      2. Tobacco non-users
        1. Never users: Counseling is focused on stressing the fundamental that “taking breath in clean air is birth right never allow any to poison our breath with smoking in the vicinity”.
        2. Potential users: These are children and students who have not started but they are in the vulnerable age of learning tobacco use with peer pressure. A word of advice can motivate them “stop before start”.

Special Services

      1. Jaipur Pollen Watch: Pollen counts and important trigger allergen are uploaded on the website for use by asthmatic and allergy patients.
        Total Pollen count
        Five most common pollens
      2. Global Asthma Network center: Study is planned to evaluate change in prevalence and precipitating factors of asthma and allergic disease in Jaipur.
      3. ILD India Registry coordination center: Interstitial Lung diseases are important lung diseases which runs a crippling course. Since magnitude of differenct ILD was not known therefore Indian chest Society took this initiative and established ILD India Registry. Asthma bhawan is the national coordination center.
      4. Tests for autoimmunity at reasonable cost
      5. Tests to measure specific IgG to detect hypersensitivity pneumonitis.

Table of tests and cost

    • Uploading of tobacco thu thu, CD
    • Book My experiments
    • Satvikta ek pahal programs
    • Your feedbacks of services of Asthma Bhawan
    • Organizing NAPCON 2015 from 4th to 7th November 2015

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