Patients of respiratory diseases are usually poor. Many patients stop treatment due unaffordable costs. Asthma Bhawan Assistance for helping such patients in following ways:
- Cost of medicines at Asthma Bhawan medical store is 20% less than the print price.
- BPL patients are treated free of cost
- Many medicine are purchased from the government’s Mukhyamantri free medicine scheme. These medicines are provided to patients free of cost.
- Cost of investigations is quite low. Bed charges, ICU charges and charges of investigations are almost half of any comparable hospital.
- Smoking burns lungs in a smoker to cause severe COPD. Some of these patients fail to get adequate oxygen in the body. In such patients bipap a type of non invasive ventilator is life saving but it’s cost is quite high. Asthma Bhawan with help of many donors provide these equipment’s at almost 25% of the price.