The threat of COVID has not subsided yet. In China, Europe, and Southeast Asia cases of Covid-19 have started increasing again. And surprisingly, in China, which has adopted a zero-COVID strategy, more than a thousand cases are coming daily in the last few days. Here, about 30 million people are isolated in their homes. Moreover,…

Even after fighting through waves of COVID-19, we are being alert that a reasonable next Covid wave, if not tackle virtually, will put children at a more elevate COVID virus risk than adults. Although they are susceptible to the disease, the result is understood to benign with nearly no hospitalization or negative signs. As adults,…

Summer Allergy Symptoms That Similar Coronavirus Infection- In the second wave of Covid-19, the number of positive cases and death are increasing in numerous manners. And the symptoms are sneezing, cough or any kind of allergy; most of the people go into panic mode. Since the Coronavirus is hitting back in the summer season, people…

How Omicron Virus affect asthma Patient?-Asthma is a chronic lung disease that harms the airways and creates inflammation. This inflammation causes spasms and narrowing of the lungs, which cause wheezing, breathing problems, and coughing. Omicron is a new variant of the COVID-19 virus that is slightly different. It creates an inflammatory process inside the lungs…