Smoking has long been associated with lung cancer, and there’s a lot of truth to that. One of the most well-known negative health impacts of smoking is an elevated risk of lung cancer. Cancers of the lungs are known as lung cancers. You breathe in oxygen through your lungs and exhale carbon dioxide through them….

Cancer is a type of disease in which irregular cells produce and divide uncontrollably in the body. These cells form deadly cancers known as tumors. Throat cancer refers to a cancer disease that occurs in your throat or neck (pharynx) or voice box (larynx). Your throat is a strong tube that works behind your nose…

Tobacco De-Addiction Centre in Jaipur: There are Important Points you should Remember before Selecting a Tobacco De-Addiction Centre in Jaipur. The Nasha Mukti Kendra or the de-addiction centre will help patients to live a normal life by giving them a life-changing experience. At Asthma Bhawan Centre, we not only treated our patients to get overcome of…

Best Drug-addiction Rehabilitation Centre in Jaipur, Tobacco De-Addiction Rehab: With the use of Drug Addiction, people cannot live a normal life and get stuck in the trap of taking drugs or drinking alcohol and becoming a drug addict. If a person regularly consumes drugs resulting in the individual’s mind all the time in a sub-conscious…

De-Addiction Centre in Jaipur: One of the important steps in the direction of addiction recovery is proper guidance about what type of addiction are- its triggers, potential solutions and causes. Drug or alcohol addiction is a persistent illness typify by uncontrollable, or chronic, and use regardless of destructive results and changes in the mind, which…

Tobacco De-Addiction Center: Tobacco is a significant element in the causation of COPD and is capable of worsening asthma and allergy. It has been identified as causing at least 25 diseases capable of killing human beings. Unfortunately, indigenous tobacco such as Bidi and Hukka is incorporated into our social life. It has deep sources in…